The Moya View

Tag: trees

  • nocturne in pastels for hibakujumoku

    nocturne in pastels for hibakujumoku

    they fall like a strange red bird in a old snare they fall  like a strange pink koi in an old net like a shadow of a Cherry blossom on a stagnant pool like a dying pearl in the depths of the East China Sea like Akiko Futaba singing forever beneath her casement these hibakujumoku…

  • Blasted Oaks in the Snow

    Blasted Oaks in the Snow

    The oaks split into shaggy specters.Until it snowed again, they stood. They came, cut them down,limbs yielding to their will, the thinner branches whittled to finely crafted switches,to beat the children who live in the puritanical world.